Vascular-Based includes: 1. Cherry Angiomas: Concentration of blood at the skin’s surface, commonly bright in color. 2. Spider Naevi: known as a vascular spider. It contains a central red spot & reddish extensions(legs) which radiate towards like a spider’s web. 3. Telangiectasia: known also as thread veins, red veins, and dilated capillaries (broken caps).
Sebaceous-Based includes: 1. Acne lesions (inflamed or non-inflamed) 2. Milia: known as milk spots. Small kertatinized epidermal blockage of follicles of the epidermis, frequently located around the eyes & top of cheeks 3. Cholesterol Deposits: fatty deposits build up under the skin’s surface 4. Clogged Pores: a condition created by buildup of oils, skin cells, and debris in the follicles. They appear as bumps on skin’s surface. This condition might lead to inflamed acne lesions 5. Sebaceous Hyperplasia: yellow to flesh-coloured cauliflower or doughnut-shaped lesions
Skin Tags Small benign flaps of skin on the skin’s surface. Commonly found on neck, decollate, axilla, back, groin, eyelids and underneath breasts.