The area around the eyes is particularly prone to showing signs of aging due to several factors, including thin and delicate skin, repeated facial expressions, and exposure to environmental elements. Some common signs of aging in the eye area include:

  1. Wrinkles and Fine Lines:The skin around the eyes is thinner and contains fewer oil glands, making it more susceptible to developing wrinkles, fine lines, and a crinkled appearance similar to crepe paper.
  2. Puffiness:As you age, the muscles and tissues that support the eyelids can weaken, leading to puffiness and bags under the eyes. Fluid retention and decreased elasticity can contribute to this issue.
  3. Dark Circles:Dark circles can be caused by a variety of factors, including thinning skin, loss of fat and collagen, and blood vessels becoming more visible. Genetics, lifestyle factors, and sleep quality can also play a role.
  4. Sagging Eyelids:The skin around the eyes can lose elasticity over time, causing the eyelids to droop and appear saggy.
Recommended Treatments
  • ULTRAcel Q+ HIFU
  • Fractional Mesotherapy
  • Dermalux Phototherapy
  • Clinical Skin Clear System